The best light bulbs for electric copper lanterns

The best light bulbs for electric copper lanterns

The best light bulbs for electric copper lanterns

The flame of a natural gas lantern is our first love.

But electric light isn’t far behind – especially when you consider what the electric option does for lighting.

You can use electric lanterns indoors, in pool houses and lots of other spaces where you just don’t want a flame burning.

In those cases, having electric light for our lanterns is a must. And, it allows you to have a beautiful, copper lantern anywhere you want one.

Choosing the Right Electric Light Bulbs

The biggest issue with choosing electric power for your lantern is finding a light bulb you like.

If you make the mistake of getting a generic, white LED bulb – you’re in for an unpleasant surprise.

Something about these new LED white bulbs just doesn’t look right when coming from a hand-made lantern.

No need to worry though.

There are PLENTY of great options for elegant looking bulbs that will give your lantern the glow it deserves.

A quick trip to your local hardware store or even the big-box stores offer a number of options you’re sure to love.

Just make sure to find the right bulb size!

Some of our lanterns require a candelabra size bulb. Others require ceiling fan style bulbs.

Ask a member of our team if you’re unsure which you need for your lantern. 

Our Favorite Bulbs

A quick Google search for “vintage light bulbs” or “antique light bulbs” should show you plenty of options.

Our favorites are called “spun” light bulbs. The “spun” thread around the bulb disperses the light a little differently. They’re exceptional, and they look like this:


You might even try an “Edison” style bulb which looks really cool in our hanging pendants.

Bourbon Street Down Pendant

Our Bourbon Street Down Pendant

Insider Tips

The key element is to look for bulbs with an “amber” tint to them. That will give you the color of the natural flame.

Sometimes they’ll be labeled that way. Other times, you just have to see the color on the box.

And for an extra classy touch, install a dimmer so you can control the brightness of your lantern.

Remember, friends don’t let friends install white LED lights in their copper lanterns!